Creative Direction, Branding, Marketing and Content.
After eleven years with my own business in SSA+C, I strategized, formed and expanded capabilities within companies by building experiences, marketing departments and teams in social media and across all platforms. As Creative and Design Director my aim is always to create a new digital presence and transform physical market experiences into events. I have directed teams of designers and vendors to create full state-of-the-art capabilities for cutting-edge brands and upgraded traditional companies alike.
Sonneman - A Way of Light: introduced product and market videos and social media clips.
Product and Market Video Production and Direction
Nourison Industries: Digital and Email marketing builds and concepts.
Nourison Indiustries - Rebrand and Digital Media introduction.
Complete web redesign - transforming B2B to B2C with redefined UX/UI.
Sonneman - A Way of Light challenge: completely overhaul and upgrade brand's digital image and online experience.
Sonneman - A Way of Light: mobile integration for shopping using all rendered imagery and upgraded UX.